Tag Archive:Buckham Fair

If you build it, they will come – A quick look at Buckham Fair.

It’s summer in beautiful Dorset – and summertime in the UK (and most other countries, I presume) means Festivals, Fetes, Events, Fairs and anything outdoorsy that we can get our hands on.

I have the pleasure of working alongside a wonderful local event held in Beaminster each year, called Buckham Fair.  Buckham Fair is hosted by Martin & Philippa Clunes on their farm in August every year and sees visitors from all over the world attend the event. Buckham is all things vintage – an old-school, feel-good, community event filled with food, rides, artisans, crafts, dog and pony shows and classic cars and more.

But working on this event has been about so much more than getting things prepared – if anything, being part of this spectacular event has demonstrated the power of the community spirit. The event sees over 100 traders from all over the countryside exhibit their businesses – whether they’re baking something delicious, or crafting something spectacular out of wood, whether they have the answer to your Christmas Gift list dilemma – I’ve realised that it doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do – what you do is special to someone.

We’re all looking for an opportunity to shine – and what a privilege it is to work with businesses making a difference.

Their stars will be extra-bright on Sunday 21 August.